MLB 猴硐 小布 偽娘 自拍 in singapore, there is such virus call gastric currently is passed within schools.gosh~! school now having precautions.if there is any absentees in the class, the school must know the a result, form teachers will have to make calls to the absentees'.that means if we, secondary four students, are to skip school,probably the day before we have to inform our form teachersif not, the morning (of the day we skipped school) our form teachers will call irritated of this virus!wonder how it even started.this thursday i can't skip school. mr tan said he would tell us stuffs for the o level practicalexaminations. blah blah blah~ same old stuffs teachers would always give - tips and theirprediction. then, we, students, have to study hard for the part. but for science practical exams-sigh~ seems to be nothing to learn.teachers will start their nags in saying- " remember to bring XXX"; "don't forget to bring XXX"; "report by XXX" or " take note of XXX"i need to go school because of this ?? but, there isn't any physics period on thursday, why hecan't wait till monday to tell us when the papers are on next thursday?fine, teachers are teachers, students cannot control teachers.tomorrow is lihua's birthday. the book we have been doing looks almost done. we'll pass to hertmorrow, wonder what will be her reaction, surprise? guess so.on friday will be school's marking day meaning i've got no school.wee.. finally there's a holiday for us !! eversince our prelims sian. everytime study. school is also boring.oh ya! today don't know what mr ong had got into his brain. after social studies is his periodagain, and guess what? he actually lectured us. GOSH! talking craps. i was all the whileplaying with the game in gaoge's electronic dictionary. haha. he scolded and scolded, and was lame too. =.= he even said he wants us to pass up his homework tomorrow if we know whathomework we haven't passed up to him. if not, he will bring a list of homework we haven'tpassed up to him. OMG! who the heck have the time to do finish doing them when we should doour last minute revision at this point of time. time is running out for us! we shouldn't be doingall those scattered homeworks. furthermore, we do not only have his subjects, additionalmathematics and elementary mathematics, to tackle, we still have other important subjectslike english and science.freak out!
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